dog training

Isis is on a roll

Isis is an enthusiastic learner. When we start a session she offers so many behaviors that it is easy to build on those and learn new ones. Last week she…

Bailey’s first keyboard lesson

Bailey and Bebo have met in the past but now they might team up for some musical performances. I think Bailey did remarkably well. He is not 100% accurate, but…

This personal story made me very happy

Earlier today I received an e-mail from my partner’s father who lives with a Havanese named Murphy. This is what he wrote: I’ve had a very small victory on the…


I am thrilled to report that Sadie has been able to walk out of her neighborhood, past strollers, skate boarders, trucks, delivery carts, dogs. Good girl, Sadie!! You are amazingly…

paw games

What can you teach an already well trained dog? Anything!!!! Have fun!