Dog Behavior

State of Being Dog | NYC Dog Trainer Services & Dog Wellness | Dog Training in Manhattan

Is my dog “reactive”? Labeling behaviors… A thousand shades of grey NOVEMBER 11, 2013 tags: reactivity The internet has proven to be as much of a blessing as a liability. My view leans towards the blessing but…

Keep your dog healthy: Do not vaccinate unnecessarily

older dogs in particular should not be subjected to vaccines unnecessarily The bottom line is that using vaccine titer testing as a means to assess vaccine-induced protection will likely…

Plenty in Life is Free Have you come across this senario: You are walking down the street and you ask your dog to perform some kind of task, for instance: sit and give paw…


I am thrilled to report that Sadie has been able to walk out of her neighborhood, past strollers, skate boarders, trucks, delivery carts, dogs. Good girl, Sadie!! You are amazingly…

Graduation Time for Agility Class

Florin going through weave poles Gus looking very cute approaching jumps Arthur jumping Arthur going through weave poles I think it is fair to say that everyone had a very…

DogRelations Dogs are Educated

Mya and Elias One of the most amazing things I am discovering is not only how eagerly dogs learn but how quickly they accomplish things that seem quite counter intuitive…