Zeldi with a lovely hairstyle | NYC Dog Trainer Elisabeth Weiss Dog Relations

It’s spring and we look forward to warmer weather and nice expeditions to the country and the beach with our dogs. As delightful as the warmer weather can be it also brings with it the same question: How to beat the heat?

I have two Briards with lush, long coats. I cannot tell you how often people ask me if I am not going to give them a haircut for the summer. They must be hot?

No way would I ever shave or clip them for reasons of climate!

By the same token I hear dog guardians proudly pronounce “He got his summer haircut! Now we are ready!” and I think: Really? Their coat protects from the heat as much as from cold!

Think of people who live in the desert who wrap themselves in wool blankets. They are not masochists, they know what a shading effect these heavy blankets have. I would never consider shaving my dogs. Dogs can only perspire through the tongue and the paw pads to keep themselves a bit cooler… skin exposure would only risk sunburn and additional heat exposure.

The article below explains in more detail why double coated dogs should not be shaved.

Dogs Naturally | Should You Shave Your Dog This Summer? | Dog Relations NYC


But double coated dogs aside: why shave at all? If you feel you need to give your dog a summer haircut then cut the hair down to one inch in length, please!

Elisabeth Weiss is a highly certified, experienced dog trainer in Manhattan, NYC. To learn more about dog training services, contact us by phone at (917) 783-1473 or our contact form.

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