Dog Blog & Treats

Happy Thanksgiving

To all the diverse and wonderful dogs I have worked with so far: Enjoy the holiday and remember: NO STEALING OFF THE TABLE! YOU WILL MAKE ME LOOK BAD!  

All the best indoor doggie workout equipment!

When it is cold and rainy outside, windy or bitter cold, or if you have a dog who is older, this equipment allows you to create a fantastically entertaining workout…

Bailey having fun playing the keyboards

Dogs learn by trial and error. They rely on their teacher to reward the successful behaviors. The dog will then offer the rewarded behaviors more frequently than others. Eventually the…

A “cue” has a beginning and an end

When you would like a dog to “do” something you provide them with a “cue” such as “sit” or “come” or “down”.  “Cues” are sometimes referred to as “commands” or…

Another accomplishment by Isis

Here she is in a perfect sit/stay while her brother, the cat is tugging on her leash and playing with it. Now THAT is pretty funny and shows good impulse…