Dog Blog & Treats

State of Being Dog | NYC Dog Trainer Services & Dog Wellness | Dog Training in Manhattan

Is my dog “reactive”? Labeling behaviors… A thousand shades of grey NOVEMBER 11, 2013 tags: reactivity The internet has proven to be as much of a blessing as a liability. My view leans towards the blessing but…


So, I am in the elevator of my building and a woman who has recently adopted a dog enters with that pup along with a few other people. “SIT” she…
Haloween Dog | NYC Dog Trainer Services & Dog Wellness |

What a cute surprise

This is Oreo. She is an 11 year old border collie who had surgery for a torn ACL some weeks ago. We work on physical rehabilitation together. As you can…

Lou Reed dies…

I miss Lou. He was sincere and funny and he was outspoken. He was totally committed to his loved ones. He adored Laurie. I am sure he still adores Laurie..his…